The links below provide information about various topics related to health care.
Information of Landelijk Coördinatiecentrum Reizigersadvisering (National Coordination Centre Travelers Advice) about diseases while traveling and how to prevent them.
Information of Zorginstituut Nederland (National Health Care Institute) about costs and compensations of medicines.
Information of Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap (The Dutch College of General Practitioners) about health and diseases.
Information of the professional and branch organization of pharmacists about medicines in addition to the leaflet.
- Alcoholinfo
Information of Trimbos-Instituut about alcohol, health and addiction.
- Rokeninfo
Information of Trimbos-Instituut about smoking, health and addiction.
- SOAIDS Nederland
Information of Soa Aids Nederland about sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and sexual health.
- Voedingscentrum
Information of Voedingscentrum (The Netherlands Nutrition Centre) about healthy, safe and more sustainable food choices.
- Hartstichting
Information of Hartstichting (Heart Foundation) about their work, cardiovascular disease and prevention.
- Longfonds
Information of Longfonds (Lung Fund) about their work, lung diseases and prevention.
- KWF Kanker Bestrijding
Information of KWF Kanker Bestijding (Dutch Cancer Society) about their work, cancer and prevention.
- Patiëntenfederatie Nederland
Information of Patiëntenfederatie Nederland (Netherlands Patient Federation) about their work and health care.
Information of Stichting Klachten & Geschillen Eerstelijnszorg (Foundation Complaints & Disputes Primary Care) about complaint mediation in primary care.